Monday 29 January 2018


For me, freedom is...

  1. Not having to do any drugs for mental stimulation or recreation.
  2. Being able to leave my house whenever I want. 
  3. Not having to do anything I do not want to. 
  4. Choosing the people I want to be around. 
  5. Being able to write whatever I want. 
  6. Not having to have a drink today. 
  7. Privilege to own any books I like. 
  8. Having a variety of foods to eat. 
  9. Having everything I need. 
  10. Having more than I need. 
  11. Having my own money. 
  12. Going out with friends. 
  13. Going to visit friends. 
  14. Wearing makeup. 
  15. Exercising. 
  16. Learning. 
  17. Dancing. 
  18. Walking. 
  19. Talking. 
  20. Loving. 

Sometimes it may seem like slow going but keep on working toward whatever you are working on. Today is a good day to renew goals, affirm dreams, and reestablish footing on the trait. Be grateful for the little things.


While you are here,

Lisa L'Heureux is the author of 7 books. Her work includes the Lisa's Sober Blog SeriesThis and the Man in the Moon and This One is About Domestic Violence. She lives with her family in Alberta, Canada.

More than six years ago, Lisa retired from practicing alcoholism.

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